It's been a busy few months for me at the start of 2023, with a trip to out to California to plan for (and then finally I got to enjoy this month!), plus preparations for some upcoming shows taking up much of my time. As a result its been a bit a slower on my painting journey around Cape Cod in recent months, but I've finally completed this set of Dennis Port paintings.
Here’s a picture of how these paintings turned out starting clockwise from the right hand side - Sea Street Beach, Handkerchief Way Beach, Inman Road Beach, Raycroft Beach, Glendon Road Beach and Haigis Beach.

Its been a joy to spend time exploring and painting these beautiful and quaint spots. Although I've got the other Dennis beaches on the bay side to capture, I’m sure I will be back here again someday in the future with a brush in hand to capture these sights again.
I'm delighted to start the next chapter of Cape Cod with the Harwich beaches and first up will be a painting of Pleasant Road Beach which I will be posting shortly.
The Cape Cod beaches have been an endless source of inspiration for me, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my vision of their beauty with everyone. Hope you enjoy following the journey!
Wonderful masterpiece! Looks fantastic